July Worship and Preaching Schedule

July 7th– Sixth welcomes Elder Kate Davoli, MDiv., to the pulpit!  Kate will be preaching and joining Rev. Sarah in leading worship. Readings: 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; Matthew 18:15-22, 31-46

July 14th Sermon: “Everything Good” Readings: Psalm 85:8-13; Ephesians 1:3-14

July 21st- Sermon: “About God” Readings: Psalm 23; Mark 6:30-34, 53-56

July 28th– “Is It True?” Readings: Psalm 145: 10-18; John 6:1-21 Ordination/Installation of Officers

In the coming summer Sundays, Rev. Sarah will be preaching using a new resource written by a former moderator of the General Assembly, Rev. Bruce Reyes-Chow.  His new book entitled, “Everything Good About God Is True” will help us to have further conversations about faith in this day and age.  If you feel so compelled, consider getting a copy and reading along! 

Here is an excerpt of an article written in the Presbyterian Outlook about Reyes-Chow’s work:

“At a time when Christian faith is subject to great scrutiny, Bruce Reyes-Chow’s voice is a welcome one, providing a treasure trove of insights for anyone who wants to claim, question, awaken or wonder about the meaning of life and the claims of Christian faith. In response to the blaring voices of the religious right and Christian nationalism, Everything Good about God Is True offers a thoughtful, life-affirming, generous counter-narrative. And, even more compelling, it seeks out the reader’s perspectives in a conversational and invitational way.”

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