Author Archive | SixthChurch

Presbyterian Women’s Bible Study 2016/2017

By Judy Yates Siker Presbyterian Women’s (PW) Bible Study meets every second Wednesday, 11 am in the Church Parlor. Halfway through the Gospel of Mark, as Jesus and his disciples are on their way to Caesarea Phillipi, Jesus asks his disciples, “So, what’s the word on the street? Who do people say that I am?” “Well,” they […]

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CROP Walk Sunday is October 9!

On Sunday, October 9, Sixth Church will join with other communities in the East End to participate in the CROP Hunger Walk, which is sponsored by Church World Service ( Church World Service has a steady, on-going presence around the world, relating every day to those in need, providing services to refugees and developing projects to help people […]

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Recycling is Happening Now!

WE ARE COLLECTING THESE ITEMS (list updated November 2021): Collector Item Vendor Description Status Notes Marnie Bertolet / April Clisura Salty Snack Bags TerraCycle any size, has to be salty snack – pretzels, chips etc In recycling room please flatten Marnie Bertolet / April Clisura Plastic Pouches & Caps TerraCycle such as baby food or […]

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Sacred Conversations on Race + Action

Join us for Sacred Conversations When members of Sixth conducted a listening campaign among congregation members in early 2015, we learned that many of us have deep concerns about structural racism and inequality… but often feel baffled about what we can do. Now we have a chance to be part of a community-wide conversation about race and explore ways to take […]

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Children’s Sacraments Class

Mark your Calendars for our new Sacraments Class for Kids We will be hosting a special time for kids ages preschool and up to learn about communion and baptism and help bake bread for World Wide Communion Sunday. We will also be training those interested in being acolytes and water pourers at this session. Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016 10 a.m. to 12 […]

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Rally Day is Sept. 11 !

Start off the Sunday School Year Right! We will begin Sunday school with our Rally Day kick-off celebration on September 11th at 9:30 a.m. with a pot-luck breakfast hosted by the Christian Education Committee in the Ridinger Room. If you are able, please join us in providing a favorite breakfast item to share. After breakfast, we invite families to […]

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Gun Safety Committee and CeaseFire PA Update

As you may recall, Act 192 a last minute law signed by Governor Corbett on his way out, would have allowed any person or organization to sue any Pennsylvania municipality that had a gun safety regulation in order to rescind it – and require the municipality to pay court costs. The law caused many small, financially strapped towns to […]

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July Worship and Preaching Schedule

July 7th– Sixth welcomes Elder Kate Davoli, MDiv., to the pulpit!  Kate will be preaching and joining Rev. Sarah in leading worship. Readings: 2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10; Matthew 18:15-22, 31-46 July 14th– Sermon: “Everything Good” Readings: Psalm 85:8-13; Ephesians 1:3-14 July 21st- Sermon: “About God” Readings: Psalm 23; Mark 6:30-34, 53-56 July 28th– “Is It […]

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Vacation Bible School 2016

Family Art Nights | Celebrating God’s Creation 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Fridays June 17, July 15, August 19, September 9 Sixth Presbyterian Church 1688 Murray Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15217-1498 Phone: (412) 421-2752 REGISTER ONLINE TODAY! Join us on Fridays this summer for Vacation Bible School for the whole family! Each event will include a meal and child […]

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