Author Archive | SixthChurch

Vacation Bible School 2017

Children ages preschool and up are invited to join us for three nights of Vacation Bible School where we will explore the themes of “Who is our Neighbor,” “Welcoming our Neighbor,” and “Loving our Neighbor.” We will begin each session with a meal at 5:30 pm. Parents are welcome to stay and participate! Older students […]

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Lenten/Justice Speaker Series

As a follow-up to the stimulating program on the criminal justice system in January, the Social Justice/PIIN Core Team is presenting speakers with a social justice theme during Lent.  Each will take place as the Adult Christian Education offering during the Sunday School hour, at 10 am. On March 5, UPMC employee Nila Peyton will […]

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Earth Care Congregation Update – February 2017

Sixth Church and God’s Creation Please note that if you want to drop off a TV, PLEASE TALK TO KEITH FIRST! The recycler requires a fee, and the person who is dropping off the TV needs to cover that cost. Sue Koehler, who collects Techno-Trash, says, “I keep track of one of the bins for collecting electronic and techno trash. […]

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Confirmation Class for 2017!

Learn more at our lunch gathering on January 22 at 12:30! We are assembling a Confirmation Class for youth in grades 7 and up to begin in January 2017. Youth interested in becoming confirmed members of Sixth Presbyterian Church are invited to attend an information lunch after worship (12:30 p.m.) on January 22 in the […]

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Updates on the Mission Trip to Nicaragua

Planning Our Nicaragua Mission 2017 Sixth Presbyterian Church has been visiting the community of El Porvenir (The Future) in Leon, Nicaragua, for nearly nine years. El Porvenir is a cooperative of organic, fair trade coffee farmers. About 42 families live on the farm and work the land. The partnership we have built with El Porvenir […]

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Care Packages for Sixth College Students

Friends! I am gathering addresses for Sixth College students and would like to send them a small care package from our church family in mid-October. I am looking for donations of small items such as school supplies (pens, highlighters, PostIt notes) non-perishable food and drink items (hot chocolate mix, energy bars, tea, etc.) and gift cards in small amounts for places […]

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Born to the Purple

Click here to hear the sermon delivered by Kate Davoli on September 25, 2016 regarding the passages below – Gospel lesson Luke 16:19-31.  A powerful message on social justice. The Rich Man and Lazarus 19 “There was a rich man who was dressed in purple and fine linen and lived in luxury every day. 20 At his […]

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